The Bible is God-breathed and the basis of all our beliefs.
Our Beliefs
- Mercy Church is a member of the Canadian Reformed Federation of churches.
- We believe that the Bible is God-breathed and therefore the authoritative Word of God. This Word is the basis of all our other beliefs.
- We believe that God is the creator and sustainer of all things. He created us in His image to have a loving relationship with Him and to worship and enjoy Him forever.
- We believe we have sinned with our first parents, Adam and Eve, who disobeyed God and went their own way. Having ruined their — and no less our– perfect relationship with God, we live in a fallen world deserving God’s judgement. The penalty for our sin is death, and this penalty is owed by each and every person from the fall into sin until the present time.
- We believe that God did not leave us to die in our sin and misery, but instead, He immediately began to work out a way for our relationship with Him to be restored. He sent His only son, Jesus Christ, who is fully man and fully God, to take our penalty and satisfy the debt we owe God. Jesus did this through His death on the cross.
- We believe that faith (belief) in Jesus Christ as our Saviour is the only way to salvation. God calls us to repent and believe in Him, and therefore we must confess our sins, turn from them, and hold on to Christ alone for salvation.
- We believe that Jesus, in His mercy and great love, sends the Holy Spirit to those who believe in Him. We are unable to truly repent and walk with Jesus unless the Holy Spirit lives in our hearts and strengthens guides, and motivates us.
What Is A Reformed Church?
A Reformed church holds to the 5 following principles, sometimes referred to as the “5 solas”:
Our Weekly Worship Services
We gather together every Sunday at 10:30am and 1pm for our weekly worship services.
Serving Our Community
The Mercy Centre at 128 Parkdale Ave N. is where you can usually find us from Monday to Saturday.